Photography and Travel - a natural fit.

"Finally... Learn How To Work That Darn Digital Camera Like A Pro"

When I think of the photos my parents had collected in boxes - small, black and white - and then see my colorful digital images slide across my monitor (Can you think of a better screen saver?), I marvel at the technological progress I have been able to experience in my own life.
I also began with black and white snap shots, which quickly became colored, when we could afford them.  Stacks of photo albums give witness  to our love for travel combined with our love for photography.
We also took 8 mm movies, then video, then transferred the movies to video.  Progress happened so fast, we could barely keep up.
Nothing has made taking photos more enjoyable for me than the change to digital photography.  The ability to take as many pictures as I like - because I can decide instantly whether or not they are worth saving - is huge for me.  The Ebook "Learn Digital Photography now" was exactly what I needed to help me take even better shots than the ones I occasionally produced by accident.
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Quite possibly it'll be exactly what you need as well.

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